


7days fasting-Day3 and 4

Day3 and 4 were so hard. I felt very tired, heavy, depressed and disappointed due to the sore breast. It's gone the end of Day4 though.I really wanted to stop the fasting, but i decided to keep doing it because that's the way I chose. I wi…

7days fasting-Day1 and 2

I started 7days fasting because the condition of my breast cancer (stage 4) has not been good since April. This is the first time for me to keep fasting over 24h, so I was pretty nervous. I have water, salt, green tea, ginger tea, decaf co…


近赤外線が良いと聞き、早速近赤外線を発する機器を取り寄せたのですが、使用後30秒後から出血止まらず。コレって効きすぎ?悪化?どっち? 誰にも答えは分からないですねー。私と同じ条件の人なんて滅多に居ないですし。というか、会ったことも聞いたことも…